Thursday, May 06, 2004

Prayer Of An Unhappy Sinner (Don't remember where I found it)

On my knees, I confess to you, my Lord and my God, that I am unworthy of Your gifts, and most especially Your mercy. Behold my flesh, insolent, disobedient, the unhappy inheritance of Eve; woe that I sin against You, who are all my Love and all my Hope! Yet this dust is made holy by the Blood of Your Son, crucified for my sake and my sins, by His own choice, in obedience to Your will. Therefore, Father, do not permit me to fall to the Enemy, but be with me in temptation; humble me, drag me unto the depths, that I might be free of pride and all else that keeps me from you; O Most Just and Most Merciful, Poorest and Most Glorious, God and Man, Mortal and Eternal - in my misery I cry out to you. You alone know how weak I am and how I long for You. Take pity on Your sinful child, whose heart, though robed in worldly mire, yet reaches for you in adoration.