Monday, April 11, 2005

Excuse the dust

As perhaps you have noticed, my template recently went kaboom. I'm working on getting the html all back in order, but thanks to my trial-and-error style, it could take awhile to get it totally back to where it should be. At least the "blogger" part is on the right side of the page now.

And in case you were wondering, no, I have no idea how I did this. Maybe my "destructive genius" took over while I was sleeping ... and I crept over to the computer ... and wreaked havoc ...

That would be in keeping with my personality, wouldn't it!?


  1. On the subject of destructive genius, a traditional Norfolk koan comes to mind:

    While parking his car
    Outside the dry cleaners,
    A man kills several pedestrians.

    While he is inside the dry cleaners,
    His car continues to kill pedestrians,
    But in a less organised way.

    The police are very good about it.
    They wait
    Until he has paid his dry cleaning bill,
    Before shooting him dead.

    It is a quiet village, normally.
    But in a mature democracy,
    There have to be checks and balances.

    More may be encountered:

  2. hehehe :-D :-D

  3. hehehe :-D :-D

  4. ok i posted it twice cause it came up and told me "this page contains no data" which i took to mean it didn't go through.... srry about that :-P

  5. Darn, I miss everyhing. Looks fine to me Maggles, you must be doing something right, lol.
