Monday, April 18, 2005


Well, I don't want to jinx anything. But I've been talking to my dad, and me and la famille might might might be going to Rome this summer. Of course that's going to be terribly expensive, but you know me ... I like to live on the edge. Of insolvency. And so does my dad ;) Nottttt ... But anyway, we all think it would be a nice gesture to go see John Paul II's tomb, and to pay our respects to the new Holy Father, whomever that might be.

Speaking of which, perhaps you've noticed I haven't said much about the conclave. Black smoke went up in the first vote today, as expected. I am not going to blog much about it, though, because I really don't want to buy into the media characterizations of it as a horse race. It's not a political thing, it's a spiritual event! But the press isn't gonna get that any time soon ...

I get the impression that the black smoke/white smoke drama is just making all those 24 hour cable news outlets salivate. Drool, drool. ;)

I'm also avoiding posting about the conclave because for some reason, I'm really, really nevous about it. The Lord will protect His Church, I know. It's just excitement, probably :)



    Don't worry, I think Bets is going to blog for the both of you, lol.

    ...But would your dad make you bring your own ham sandwiches for the trip? JK! JK!!! ;) ;)

  2. Dang straighty I am. I could run the press office for the Vatican you know. I am a propogandanista extraordinaire, and ever so humble about it too. It's because I film movies in my head, and the scenes are always so dramatic.
