Friday, May 13, 2005

More C.S. Lewis

Lyndsey, Lauren and I went uptown this afternoon for some hi-klahhhs shoppink (I know it annoys everyone when I put on an accent, but oh well, too bad for you ;) They were very nice and let me go to Athens Underground, which is this thrift store/vintage clothing store at the very end of Court Street. Of course, I gravitated to the used books section, and what do you suppose my eye fell on?

A Grief Observed, by C.S. Lewis

Well, of course this was too creepy a coincidence, (finding two used copies of Lewis within a week) to pass up. Besides which, the book cost a dollar, and no where am I going to find another decent copy for that low, low price!

Maybe I should start a C.S. Lewis library.

I was going to buy sunglasses, too, but then I found out that the store didn't accept personal checks and had a $10 minimum for charges. Bleh! Lauren helped me out and loaned me a dollar, since I was cashless.

We also went into Wendy's and got a free ... Smoothie? Is that what they were? Can you tell I don't get out much? It was ice cream, anyway. I enjoyed it.


  1. Ooooooooooh, another book I must temp steal... I mean, BORROW. ;)

    It's a FROSTY Mags. F-R-O-S-T-Y! Not a smoothie, lol.


  2. cardinal sin, confusing fattening frosties with healthy smoothies. 1000 yrs of purgatory for you, young lady
