Thursday, September 29, 2005


Today is the feast of the Archangels Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael, known in the past as Michaelmas. Michael, as the chief of the angels, gets the most good press, although it is Gabriel who has the great honor of announcing to Mary that she will bear the Son of God. Raphael makes his appearence during the book of Tobit. Michael is patron saint of soldiers and police, Gabriel is patron saint of communications workers, and Raphael is patron saint of the blind and travelers.

The most famous prayer invoking the aid of St. Michael is probably the Leonine prayer, which used to be said after Mass:

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle
Be our defense against the snares and wickedness of the Devil
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray
And thou do, O Prince of the Heavenly Host
By the power of God
Cast into Hell Satan and all evil spirits
Who prowl about the world, seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

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St. Michael, St. Gabriel, St. Raphael, pray for us


  1. write something interesting!!!!

  2. That's not very nice...I find most of what she writes at least somewhat interesting...

  3. i just like to tease maggie. she knows i'm kidding :)
