Tuesday, November 01, 2005

A request from a fellow blogger

Eddie from To Jesus Through Mary asks us to join him in a novena for his mother:

Please join me in a 9 day novena of prayers of the most Holy Rosary seeking the intercession of Blessed Mother for my earthly mother; that she may come back to the faith. If you do not know how to pray the rosary you can learn by visiting this webpage; http://www.theholyrosary.org/

At the Beginning of the rosary, before the Apostles Creed please say this following prayer for the intention of this novena.

"Blessed Mother you have assured us in your apparations at Lourdes and Fatima that you will pray for our intentions especially as we pray the holy rosary. The Holy Rosary is a powerful prayer and in this nine day novena we pray for the end of abortion, for poor souls, for those in purgatory, especially those of priests and forgotten souls who have no one to pray for them. We pray for the Holy Father his intentions and his health, for the bishops and priests of the Catholic Church, for Holy Vocations into the Priesthood and Consecrated Life that young men will follow in the examples of their pastors, bishops, and our Holy Father, Benedict XVI. Finally we pray for your intentions Blessed Mother for those deep within our heart and for the special intention within this novena especially for Eddie's mother, that she will come to understand what the Catholic Church teaches and professes. To understand the joy that comes from the priesthood, to understand the real prescence of Christ, to attend church when she is able to we pray especially for her salvation and the accepceptance of whatever her son's vocation may be."

This novena will begin on the feast of All Saints Day; November First, and will conclude on November Ninth, the Feast of the Dedication of the Latern Basilica.
What a wonderful idea: Mobilizing a blogger army to storm the gates of Heaven with prayer :) And with the Rosary! The only more powerful prayer is the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. I sure will be praying, I hope some of my readers will, too!


  1. hi, I will pray too. I think there was a reason for me to accidently find this weblog. I think i need to pray. god bless you.

    and please pray for me too.

  2. I certainly will keep you in my prayers, mariami!
