Friday, September 08, 2006


Myself, for not updating more often. But I have excuses!

This quarter is shaping up to be the mind-melter I suspected it would be. A fun mind-melter, mind you. Eh, that's quite a mouthful.

So far I have had one column printed in The Post, and today they printed a positive letter from a reader; they don't have the column online yet, or I would link to it. Alas, you will just have to wait.

I have had one night of copy editing, but they only let me read one story. It was a somewhat amusing piece about the new mascot - the old Bobcat was a friendly-looking fellow, while the costume of the new Bobcat makes him look very intimidating and... Hungry. It was a late night, 2 o'clock in the morning, and there was a lot of downtime - but I'm told that probably won't happen again (the downtime, not the late night!).

I have yet to find out what my staff assignment is on Southeast Ohio Magazine, but I'd really rather copy edit than write. I had an interview with the Managing Editor and the Editor-in-Chief yesterday, and I got the distinct impression that they wish I would write - gulp! Since generally people are assigned to two staffs, I would be willing to do both the copy staff and the writing staff, if I was assigned smallish articles.

I am trying to get a hold of the naturalist with the Hocking Hills State Park in my quest to find out some dates for the regional calander we publish in the magazine, but we have thus far elevated phone-tagging to an art form.

And today at daily Mass, a nice young girl named Kate came up to me and informed me that she is starting a little Catholic group on campus, and would I like to come to the ice cream social? Indeed, I would.

As you can see, I am already busy, busy, busy, and it's just the start of the quarter. This is not an apologia for a lack of updates, just an explanation. I will probably not be able to udpate daily again until after I graduate at Thanskgiving time, but I'll be sure to post some things at least a few times a week. After all, with all this stuff going on, I'm sure I'll find I need a way to vent... ;)


  1. yummmm, ice cream.......
    i can't BELIEVE you are graduating at THANKSGIVING. wow. weird. hmm...

    anyway... thank you for your comment! :) i LOVE that idea. i think it is a wonderful solution to help with avoiding situations and hurt feelings like you said... and also to keep reminding myself until i get more mentally used to the idea of not thinking "what if so-and-so dot dot dot..." :P

    in fact it's funny you should mention it, and so totally God, cause just the other day-maybe even it was today- i briefly thought about that but didn't really *think* about it... but now because you mentioned it it's actually clicked and i'm going to do it! so thank you :D

    good luck with your final quarter at OU!

  2. * well, it won't actually help me avoid all situations, but it will take care of small insignificant ones and it will make other ones easier to deal with because they'll be more likely to believe me when i say i'm just not dating right now and show them the ring :P
