Thursday, March 10, 2005

Ohhhhhhh ugh

Tonight was a "special dinner" night at Shively Dining Hall. Special dinners mean the food is "better" and revolves around a theme. Or they just serve the food and make up a lame theme that doesn't really go. Like tonight was "Jimmy Buffet night" ... I think the only thing that was "Jimmy Buffet" was the music. "Wasting away again, in Margaritavilllllle ..." Argh.

Yesterday was a special dinner at Jefferson Dining Hall, and we went to that, too. The theme was very unmemorable, as exemplified by the fact that I can not remember it. All I remember is there was lots of healthy fruit (blah) and shrimp.

The line looked pretty bad for the Jimmy Buffet Dinner tonight, but it turned out to move pretty quickly. The real trick was finding seats for everybody. It's magic ...

I have decided that I dislike special dinners (MOST special dinners, anyway) because A) The food is not tons better B) The diners are stuffed in like sardines and C) I eat so much I get sick. Well, not every time, but I did tonight. Ahhhhh. Maybe if I lie down for a while ... oh wait, already napped for three hours today. Shoot :) Must write essays, must write essays ...

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