Saturday, April 30, 2005

Happy Birthday To Me

Well, today was the big Two Oh. I don't feel twenty. I feel alternately five years and eighty years old, depending on my mood.

Lots of people were gone this weekend. Tonight I went and had pizza dinner with Lyndsey and Jimmy. Lyndsey is always such a sweetheart, she insisted on paying for it. Gawwwww, I have nice friends! Jenn gave me a bag ... of CHOCOLATE. Chocolate, my one true love! ;)

I went to Adoration tonight, but for some reason I had a terrible time trying to concentrate. Of course, the efficacy of prayer is not based on how one "feels," but still, it's very uncomfortable to be sitting in front of the Blessed Sacrament and feel so dry.

I have got a lot of work still left to do, and it seems to be taking forever. Would anybody like to write an annotated bibliography for me? On Social Security reform? The single most boring topic conceived of by professors with political axes to grind?

Interestingly, I find myself rapidly losing interest in politics. It used to be my main hobby. I think more and more I realize that Christ is not well contained in any temporal political program, be it conservative or liberal, Republican or Democrat. "Duh!" shouts most any serious Christian. But you have to understand, I was not raised to be a Catholic. My formation was as a conservative Republican - where the agendas of the party and the Church meet, I am extremely comfortable. Where there are differences, I am extremely uncomfortable. What does this discomfort mean? It does not mean that the Church is incorrect in her teaching. Rather, it suggests to me that I still have a long way to travel on the road to Damascus. That is, my continual conversion is still necessary, even if not particularly convenient or comfortable - a great deal of work remains for the Lord to accomplish within my soul.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday to Maggie! (And Betsy!)

    I'd sing, but... Lol, you already got that speel, didn't you?

    Ah, chocolate and cell phone. What more could a girl ask for for her birthday? ;)

    Actually, I get the loosing interest thing. I mean, I'm trying to stay involved, but the way our beloved reps are handling things (poor Michael Bolton, etc) is kind amking me ill, you know?


    I think I need another election to get the hate-based adrinaline (sp?) running again, lol. ;) ;)

