Saturday, April 09, 2005

Oh, blah

Well, I didn't get to go to Confession and Eucharistic Adoration tonight like I wanted to. I got dressed up and went to church and everything, and they weren't having it for some reason. Bleh. I'm not in a state of mortal sin or anything, I just wanted to get some venial stuff off my chest. Oh well, it can wait 'till next week.

I also went shopping today with Lyndsey. I got two new tops, new shoes, and a new skirt. They are all very nice, and I really like the shoes - they are sandals, and I really can't wear the closed-toed heels in the heat - but they were starting to cut into my foot a little bit on the way home. Argh! I tried them on and everything, and they fit fine! Oh well ... Maybe my skin just needs to toughen up a little bit. Lyndsey got a skirt and some new make-up. I liked being around for the make-up purchase! I've never been to a Clinique Counter, complete with girl-in-lab-coat!

Unfortunately I have not gotten anything done this weekend so far. I don't know why, but I am in full Lazy Mode. And once I get into Lazy Mode, it is extremely difficult to get me out of it. The other bad news is that my mother keeps calling me on her cell phone. She just got a free weekends plan, so no doubt that is going to become a regular feature every Friday through Sunday. Don't get the wrong idea, I love my mother, and I like hearing from her ... But ... Every single day ... For three days ... In which we discuss ... Absolutely nothing ... For an hour ...

1 comment:

  1. Ooooooooooh, shopping! I hate that when shoes do that, but I think sometimes you just totally work your feet back up a little at a time- which I have learned the hard way WAAAAAAAAAAY too many times. ;)

    Reminds me, I need to get something while I'm downtown today so I don't totally miss your (and Betsy's!) birthdays or something horrible like that, lol.
