Friday, May 20, 2005


So, here's an interesting fringe "benefit" of being elected Pope: Suddenly, people start recognizing you in their breakfast meal and/or taking it upon themselves to create a culinary portrait of you.

Cases in point:

Ebay Auction #1:

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Ebay Auction #2:

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These auctions are both ending in the next few days, and the bidding is still really low. So if you have a secret longing for ridiculous, rather disrespectful Catholic kitsch ... ;) Seriously, the lady in one of the auctions says she's a devout Catholic, which, no offense to her, doesn't seem quite believable to me ... Do you know any really pious Catholics who would look down and think to start carving a picture of the Holy Father in their toast? ;)

It's also clear that, although he is said to favor orange juice, Papa is a good German who enjoys a nice brew. See this news report from my very own WKYC (Yay Cleveland TV!). Apparently, the brewery whose product he particularly enjoys has experienced a large upswing in sales. The story says they sent a truck to the Vatican with 185 gallons of beer for Papa. Hmm, I hope he's going to invite some guests to help him take care of all that ;)

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Welllll, if the POPE is okay with it, then I guess I'll just go out and buy and drink some Natty Light!

Just kidding. I probably didn't fool any of you, did I? :)

PS Did I violate AP style rules with that "whose" up there? I'm too tired to look it up. Oh well.

1 comment:

  1. hardly the shroud of turin is it? ridiculous stuff.
