Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Lucky, lucky me

Today was not a very good day. I was supposed to give my speech on the Humane Society this afternoon in my public speaking class. However, just before I went, this other kid got up and gave a speech on the same topic. As it turns out, my grad student prof had messed things up. So I get to give my speech on Thursday. And somehow be non-repetitive. Yeah. This is going to be so great and non-humiliating. /Sarcasm

I'm sorry I've been so negative lately! The weather has been lovely here in Athens, and I should be grateful for that. The one thing that would really make things more unpleasant is rotten, rainy weather.

Whenever I get in these kinds of slightly nasty moods, which is more often than I have good excuse to, I seem to always be able to calm myself by remembering Our Lord's Gift to us, and how very beautiful and extraordinary it is that He should be so humble as to hide His majesty under the appearances of bread and wine - just so that He can come to us and console us!

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  1. that is 1 of the worst (i hope its not traditional!) pics of holding the sacred Host i've ever seen.. bleh

    Unser Papst is ein Ketzer.
    Our pope is a heretic

    lol jk

    newyz i have my exams 2 so i cant believe im sayin this- solidarity sister!

  2. What's wrong with the picture??

  3. Traditionalists sometimes get extremely Pharisee-like about small things; for instance, the Host isn't being held "perfectly," or a priest isn't wearing fiddleback vestments, or he accidentally forgets to say the word "blessed" before Mary's name in the penitential rite, at the 7:30 AM Mass :)

    It is very good for them to be concerned about doing things correctly, but the problem is that when there is actual liturgical abuse (like holding the Host with a pair of tongs, or delibrately wearing the wrong color vestments, or consistantly ommitting or altering prayers) it makes the cry of "abuse! abuse!" that much less potent. Cuz people think, "Oh, it's just those people who think it's horrible that we didn't have a baldacchino in the Eucharistic procession."

    Not that I think you're a Pharisee, Brendon :)

  4. Incidentally, the picture came from this website: Boston Catholic Journal

    They are pretty traditional; one of the first things you see if you scroll down is an image of the Latin Mass.
