Monday, October 10, 2005

Bit of a tiff

There's a slight argument - well, I wouldn't even characterize it as an argument -going on at A Little Flower Garden about the Nashville Dominicans, more properly known as the Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia. My sister posted some pictures of the new, massive class of postulants and novices for this year; a discussion has ensued about whether the Nashies are engaging in false advertising with regard to over-emphasizing the "contemplative" part of their charism, when in fact their main apostolate is teaching.

Their website does begin with the statement that their mission is "Contemplating ... And giving to others the fruits of our contemplation." So maybe somebody just poking around would be confused. However, I really don't think that anyone doing an in-depth investigation of the order (as you would if you wanted to join) could be confused for long about the essential teaching aspect of the charism. It's not as though they try to hide it. Also, their statement about contemplation is not inappropriate, even if it might give a wrong first impression. As Hilary points out in the comments on the post, even apostolic sisters must be rooted firmly in prayer and contemplation - otherwise, the religious life just doesn't work.

1 comment:

  1. ick, i agree; drizzly isn't fun. so far it's been sunny or partly sunny like almost every day :D hope some of our weather carries to you :)
