Monday, May 09, 2005


Found via

The trailer for C.S. Lewis' The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe!

From all I've heard, they've kept the Christian allegory. I wouldn't know whether to laugh or cry if they tried to change Aslan from a Christ-figure into some kind of Shrek type character, or dressed up the "original sin" implications in the whole Turkish Delight episode with Edmund. I heard somewhere that a member of Lewis' family was involved with the film, so hopefully they will keep it just as he intended ...

The trailer looks really good, and it says it comes out in December. Oooo, hurry up, hurry up!


  1. I hope they do! Those have seriously been like my favorite series since I was like 8 when I read the LWW! (Magician's Nephew's one of my favorites too...)

    Maybe if it goes well, they will do the whole series.

    I mean, it's worked out so well for the company producing Harry Potter that I'm sure Disney will want to get in on the money, lol.

  2. Bets/Mags-

    Oh, and I have a blog now. ...Dear God, kill me now, lol. ;)

    I don't know how to link to you guys, though! Help me!

  3. Hmmmm, Apple got the new Harry Potter trailer too... There must be a big MACintrash conspiracy out there... ;)
